so i was just walking around my space in the cybers (on twitter to be exact) when i came across this tweet by +KitPloit , one of my more reliable sources of new tools on the penetration testing and vulnerability assessment scene (i am not a hacker of any it mentioned how it was possible to "recover your stored wifi passwords" which my brain translated as "steal someone's wifi passwords" and i decided to check out what sorcery this was by analysing the source code..
the code on github by LionSec had just 120 lines in python and since it was supposed to work for both windows and linux platform (according to the code, mac wasn't supported yet), i assumed the section with respect to windows would be even shorter if you factor in error handling as well.
after checking the imports (sys, subprocess) i immediately realised that some system commands would be called from within the script and executed. that also meant that i could easily reuse that code if i decided to create a metasploit module in ruby.
one more little bit of knowledge i gained here was the platform library. this was my first time using it and it reminded me of when i first met itertools library after i had spent quite some time trying to figure out an efficient way to come up with a script that could go through all possible combinations of a sequence of 3 ports to find the correct port-knocking sequence for one pentest challenge VM i came across on vulnhub. but that's another story altogether...
so i ran a few simple tests with platform and checked its help options (in interpreter mode, just type in help(platform) and you're good to go). Turns out, you can view the system type, version, processor family and even more stuff on the machine the script is running on.
i skipped the linux segment of the code (that's for another post) and jumped straight into the windows segment. The data entry and option selection was simple enough, and then i got to the line i was looking for (line 79):
print check_output("netsh wlan show profile key=clear", shell=True)
i then typed in the command in quotes in command line and immediately got a list of all the wifi networks currently saved on my machine. interesting so far, but not what i was looking for exactly.
i went deeper and then found what i was looking for in line 86:
wifi2 = check_output("netsh wlan show profile name=* key=clear", shell=True)
i proceeded to type in the command in quotes again (but i replaced the profile name's wildcard option * with one of my listed wifi networks) and voila, i got the wifi password in all its cleartext glory!
considering how the execution of this command did not require elevation to administrator privileges first (or maybe i just didnt notice something) it should be possible to create a metasploit module or even a meterpreter script to do this if one does not exist already. so now i will proceed to inform everyone i know of this issue but i have no clue as yet that how can you mitigate it....
till the next blog!
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