so i was just walking around my space in the cybers (on twitter to be exact) when i came across this tweet by +KitPloit , one of my more reliable sources of new tools on the penetration testing and vulnerability assessment scene (i am not a hacker of any it mentioned how it was possible to "recover your stored wifi passwords" which my brain translated as "steal someone's wifi passwords" and i decided to check out what sorcery this was by analysing the source code.. the code on github by LionSec had just 120 lines in python and since it was supposed to work for both windows and linux platform (according to the code, mac wasn't supported yet), i assumed the section with respect to windows would be even shorter if you factor in error handling as well. after checking the imports (sys, subprocess) i immediately realised that some system commands would be called from within the script and executed. that also meant that i could easily re...
infosec and all things related