So a few weeks back after a class I'd taken with them, a number of my students told me of a particular malware that was affecting students' computers, in particular, computers running Windows OS. According to them, if you tried to open a folder that was residing on the USB stick with the malware, the malware would delete some of your files and convert folders into executable files. Granted, the likelihood of a random folder miraculously transforming into a single executable file was kinda "out there" but I figured I'd check it out and use that as a teaching moment for those interested in venturing into malware analysis. So I tasked them to bring me a sample of the malware so I could take a look at it and maybe figure it out. I advised one of them to download DumpIt and then extract the memory dump from an infected computer using a clean flash disk and then bring it to me. How do you do this exactly? here's how: Download DumpIt . It's a portable...
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