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Showing posts from November, 2015

JPEG metadata viewing tool (incl GPS location)

Okay, so the other day I bumped into  this tweet  which introduced me to this nifty tool called  JPEG snoop  by Calvin Hass.  [ Virustotal Scan Link ] It basically allows you to upload an image and check its structure including the EXIF headers where the image metadata is stored. This also includes GPS location data with the syntax {degrees, minutes, seconds} for the latitude and the longitude reference. You can take this data and plug it into  this GPS coordinates site  to get the actual location mapped onto Google Maps. A cool project idea would be to integrate the tool and the module on this site to allow users to get the location where a picture was taken at the click of a button, thereby making it much easier for investigators in DFIR to get their job done. *the above shared data/information is only to be used for educational purposes Demo Video